Tag Archives: life

Repent and Be Saved

Heavy on my heart right now- His return may be soon, but more importantly, not even tomorrow is promised to you! TODAY is the day of salvation! Don’t put it off!!

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me!”  The Bible says to call on the name of the Lord while you may be saved.

ALL have sinned (done wrong things against God’s commands) and fallen short of the glory of God, no one is righteous, not one.

You must repent, which means to turn from your sins and to turn to God, and believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and you will be saved! The gift of God is eternal life!

Salvation can only be found in  Jesus Christ.  Yeshua HaMashiach (in Hebrew).  Jesus the Messiah.

Are you Watching and Praying?

Matthew 26:40-41, “Then He came to the disciples and found them asleep, and said to Peter, ‘What, could you not watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.’”

This is an excerpt from Homeward Bound, written by Michael Boldea Jr, grandson of Dumitru Duduman.  So very timely!  Please read the whole post here: http://mikeboldea.blogspot.com/2013/09/watching-and-praying.html

“Men have always gone to great lengths to skirt accountability, and to this day they continue to do so, even going so far as denying what they see with their own eyes.

It’s not as though the disciples didn’t know the struggle Christ was facing at the time. It’s not as though He did not tell them that His soul was exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death, or ask them explicitly to watch with Him.

Christ had done this. He had explained the circumstances to His disciples, had asked them to watch with Him, and yet, when He returned he found them asleep.

We have also been told by Christ, and explicitly so, what to expect during these last days, and what the landscape will look like. When He returns will He likewise find us asleep?

The struggle, the burden, the hardship isn’t the knowing, it is not knowledge itself, but battling against the weakness of the flesh and remaining in a state of watchfulness and prayerfulness until the Christ returns.

We know it won’t be long. We know His return is closer today than it was yesterday, and it will be closer tomorrow than it was today. When He returns He expects to find us awake, watchful, and prayerful, because it is what He asked of us, and it is in obedience that we receive our reward.

Watching and praying are not optional. We cannot choose, based on how busy we are, or how hectic our schedule, whether we will be watchful and prayerful on a given day, or during a given time period.

As children of God, as those redeemed, saved, and sanctified, we must understand the importance of being watchful and prayerful, and understand that slumber and the weakness of the flesh are not the only enemies we must contend with, but so are distractions and misplaced loyalties.

If the enemy can’t cause us to slumber, if the flesh cannot cause us to enter into temptation, the devil will settle for keeping us distracted, and keeping us from praying and being watchful for those things we ought to be watchful for…

A wise man knows to put first things first and watching and praying must be at the top of the list of what each of us ought to be doing today!

Watching, waiting, and praying… How my heart longs for you Jesus ♥

You can find his ministry, Hand of Help, here: http://www.handofhelp.com/

I must cry out!

It constantly feels as if my words fall on deaf ears, whether they be calls to repentance, admonitions to right living, or wake up calls about the end times. People just do NOT want to hear truth anymore; they would rather believe the lie. Are you experiencing this?  Truly heartbreaking 😦

So hard not to feel hopeless sometimes, but we need to have faith no matter what it looks like, for only God knows their heart. All we can do is plant the seed…

I remember a dream I had as a young teen about Jesus’ return. In the dream, I saw written in the clouds, “HE IS COMING!” I went to the high school and began telling everyone & anyone, whether they would listen to me or not, that they needed to Repent & be Saved because Jesus was coming SOON. And I remember that the supposed Christians that I knew were all trying to quiet & silence me telling me that I was causing a scene & embarrassing myself & them, but I would not.

I even got on the intercom system and was pleading with anyone who could hear me to Repent & turn to Christ, that His coming was at hand, as teachers & administrators tried to stop me. In the midst of all this, I remember being surprised that there was a handful of unlikely people, that I would not have expected, who began to help me plead with the students around us. Most of them I did not even know as Christians.

Sadly, I can see this happening in reality soon as well 😦

So I will continue to cry out, whether anyone seems to listen or care, despite whether other believers try to silence me or mock me… Who is there to fear but Him who can destroy both body & soul in hell?

Skin on bones!

Now you are most likely, and for good reason, wondering what the title of this post is all about.  They are words of profound insight from our not quite 5 year old.  If at first they don’t hit you, just ponder them for a bit…

Earlier tonight before we put the littles to bed, the younger two were playing with Daddy, and I was practicing some reading with our oldest.  We were reading a simple storybook Bible for toddlers.  He first impressed me with his reading of the word ‘beautiful,’ with no input from me whatsoever, in its description of the garden that God placed Adam & Eve.  I was amazed!  He really is a natural reader.

Then after we read a couple of stories, he was flipping through the book and stopped on a page about the birth of Jesus.  I asked who the baby in the manger was, to which he quickly responded, “Jesus.”  I then had him read the takeaway message at the end, which said, “God sent His Son for me.”  I asked him what that meant, and he promptly replied, “Skin on bones!”

It truly gave me pause, as I had no idea where it came from.  I repeated it aloud to my hubby, who was equally surprised and asked our son where he got that.  And he just shrugged and said something like, “I don’t know. God came with skin on bones to do good.”  And that was all he had to say…

And I am still pondering it in my heart hours after he is asleep in bed.

Postscript: Hubby said there is definitely no antichrist spirit in our house, haha.

I will NOT call it a choice!

So last night I was laying in bed thinking about how I was very nearly one of the 52 million babies that have been killed in their mother’s wombs, denied the right to life, since Roe v Wade 39 years ago yesterday. It’s overwhelming really.

Every single person in my mother’s life including my grandparents told her to abort me, yet she for some reason spared me… this despite aborting two babies before me and one after me… Why me? A question I’ve pondered many times… biological father unknown… the possible result of rape. But you know, how I was conceived does not diminish my humanity or my value as a person, neither did my location of residence before I was born.

The holocaust of babies killed in the womb – the place that is to be their safe haven from the world, protected by their mothers until they are ready to meet the world, has become the most dangerous place for a baby to be – is an unconscionable travesty of our times!

We know SO much more about fetal development now than we did back in the 70’s when this abhorrent practice became legal. We are now without excuse. Funny how when the baby isn’t wanted, it’s simply a fetus, meaningless tissue to be disposed of, yet when it is wanted, it’s always a baby and never called a fetus. Semantics. To make people feel better & justify what they are doing. Babies are not tissues, like a tumor, they have hearts and organs and we know they feel pain in the womb. (Watch “The Silent Scream”)

I will not justify murder and excuse it. Nor will I call it a choice. It’s not a woman choosing to remove a tumor from her body, but a developing human child. Wrong. And we will be accountable to God.

That said, if you have ever had an abortion, there is forgiveness in Jesus if you confess it to Him & ask Him to forgive you. There are also people you can talk to. Here’s one such place – http://www.safehavenministries.com/ There are many, just google post abortion support. My hugs & prayers are with you ♥

Also, there is also support for men who have been affected by abortion too, such as http://www.rachelsvineyard.org/ And you can also google post abortion support for men (or dads) for more resources, whether you had a say in the abortion or not. *hugs & prayers*

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Enjoying The Bible Online

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Christians United Against Apostasy

Fighting Spiritual Formation, Emerging/Emergent/Emergence teachings, Ecumenism, the New Age Movement and all things heretical